
The brain is such a fascinating organ.  So fascinating, in fact, that we at NeuGrowth have spent over 27 years sharing the information we gleaned about the brain, researching scientific journals for the latest updates, staying current with specific trainings, and figuring out the best way to apply this vast network of facts to people in the most optimal way, for the greatest of results.  You might say we were in Beta mode, creating “aps,” except the seed beginning of NeuGrowth was 1987!  Before desktop and laptop computers even existed!  And only the US military knew what the Internet was.  The name Bill Gates was foreign to all but operating system-people.  Back in 1987, the only people talking on the phone  while in a car were the top echelon executives at the top companies.  You had to be very wealthy and successful indeed, to have a phone in your car!

We have learned some terrific facts along the way.  For example, did you know that the possible number of connections that can be made between neurons in the brain is more than the number of grains of sands… on all the beaches… in the world?  Isn’t that astounding?  Suffice it to say that the number we are talking about is a very, very, very large one.  Generally speaking, the more connections between neurons a person has, the smarter he or she can be, in more than one type of intelligence.  Just so we are all on the same page, here’s a list of some of the other types of intelligences beyond just the cognitive type:  interpersonal intelligence, emotional intelligence, physical, artistic, musical, nature-oriented, and more. See Howard Gardner’s seminal work, Frames of Mind, 1983, for greater detail on multiple intelligences.  And something else we learned that has informed all programs since:  if you give a baby, toddler, preschooler or older child the facts about a specific topic they can intuit the law that governs those facts.  In school, we tend to give the rule or law first, then a set of problems to work on to practice getting the rule into our memory bank.  But it is actually more effective and efficient to impart the facts, allowing the student to figure out the law or laws that govern those facts.

NeuGrowth Through Neuroscience takes this vast information and offers programs publicly and privately to train, support and help grow the brain.  We optimize brain growth and development, and offer talks and trainings to keep the brain healthy.  NeuGrowth offers two major types of programs, Brain Optimization and Brain Health.  Within these two programs NeuGrowth works with individuals and groups within a company or organization.  Organizations can include associations, community groups, and schools.  Here’s more on the two main types of programs:


Brain Optimization Programs:

From the pre-natal stage to age 6, a baby’s brain is rapidly forming.  NeuGrowth offers programs that take advantage of how a brain grows and develops during this important time.  A greater amount of a baby’s overall potential can be achieved by following some simple rules, creatively offered by NeuGrowth, in specific programs.  We cover all ages and stages in our optimization offerings.  This includes enrichment classes & camps for preschool—elementary school,  tutoring for school-age kids, STEM after-school classes/project help elementary—high school, test prep for semester end, subject-specific enrichment, (P)SAT/ACT prep, GRE prep

For children and babies facing learning challenges, autism. Traumatic Brain Injury, Post—Traumatic Stress Disorder,  anxiety, ADHD, memory challenges, Executive Function Disorganization, even children who cannot get organized and stay organized for schoolwork—NeuGrowth can help.  For adults who face any of these challenges, we excel in explaining what’s going on, and putting together an orderly, step-wise program to turn the situation around.  We also work hand-in-hand with a community of professional therapists practicing many health-improving modalities, and make referrals whenever needed.  You come into our circle of brain specialists and learning specialists when you come to NeuGrowth.


Brain Health Programs:

Our Brain Health Programs are geared for all ages and stages of childhood through adulthood.  For example, we have programs for infants with a parent, school age, young adults, and adults.  We especially love our programming for keeping adults over 70 fit and fabulous during the golden years.  We see individuals for ongoing training, and small groups in brain health classes, some located within a retirement center.